y mañana el día, marea naranja de gente ya os pondremos alguna foto, nos vamos a Amsterdam a celebrarlo!! Fiesta en las calles ...

En leer más os dejo la historia de la fiesta (en inglés así practicais, es que estoy un poco vago y no me apetecía traducirla)
As from 1980 this day is a national holiday in the Netherlands. Unusually the 30th of April is not Queen Beatrix's birthday, but her mothers, Princess Juliana, who passed away on March 20, 2004 at the age of 94. In 1980 it was decided by Royal Decree to make the day a national holiday in honour of Princess Juliana.
Queen's day is a festive occasion and especially Amsterdam is famous for staging an all out street party, which starts the night before and lasts well into the small hours the next day. Dressed in orange, a beer in hand and the national colors painted on their faces people stroll through the city.
On this day, all street trade is unregulated, so a lot of people shovel their unused surplus from their attics onto the sidewalk and have fun selling it to passers-by. Real bargains can be had, but it helps to get there early. If you're late it probably means you won't be able to get there anyway, because on a sunny Queen's day the center tends to block up in the afternoon. Entrance into the city is only possible then by train.
On every corner or square you will find bands and street artists playing. The sale of alcohol and food without a special licence is not permitted. Trade in the Vondelpark, one of the hubs of the party, is off limits for anyone other than children. The queen attends the festivities, each year in one or two places, which vary, from year to year.
Visitanos que siempre habrá una tontería nueva
Hasta Mañana
1 comentario:
Este finde está Nacho por allí de turismo.
Anoche me decía que tenían que comprarse algo naranja, porque, no sabía el porqué, todo el mundo iba así. Jejeje
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